Are you wondering how can you support your learners in their proficiency journey while you stay joyful inside and outside the classroom?   

Join us for a LIVE, IN PERSON event:

Empowered Mastermind: Elevating World Language Teaching through Mindset and Pedagogy

in Raleigh, North Carolina! November 11th and 12th

Seats are limited!

Oh yes! Reserve my spot now!

Here's a few questions for you....


  • 🤯 Are you part of the 75% of teachers who suffer from job-related stress and burnout?

  •  🤔 Ever questioned if teaching languages is still your passion?

  • 😰 Doubting your skills to lead your learners effectively?

  • 🔍 Constantly scouring social media and Google for engagement strategies that actually work?

  • 😴 Struggling to keep students awake and away from their phones?

  • 🗣️ Wondering how you can get your class to use more of the target language?

We've been there, and it's not fun. That's why you NEED to join us at the Empowered Mastermind live event.


Imagine having the tools and strategies to support authentic language acquisition for your students and their engagement, but also the mindset tools to handle those difficult moments. Instead of fighting, freezing, or fleeing, you can stand grounded in your values, shed a few tears, reflect, and close the door feeling joyful.


That's the transformation waiting for you after this live event. It's not a magic pill or a perfect recipe, but it's a robust framework you can return to whenever things don't go as planned—because that will happen!


That's why you're here... It is time for change.

I'm in!

🌟Empowered Mastermind: Elevating World Language Teaching through Mindset and Pedagogy🌟

Because you're more than just a teacher—you deserve more than just good strategies. It's time to play BIG inside and outside the classroom.


This live event isn't just about tools, strategies, or inspiration for your class. It's about empowering you as a WHOLE educator. We'll work on your mindset, help you identify and eliminate your limiting beliefs, and arm you with the boundaries you need—yes, for YOURSELF.

Imagine if...

  • You felt more confident and empowered inside and outside the classroom.
  • Teaching became a source of joy and passion, rekindling your love for language education.
  • You had a clear understanding of how to lead your learners effectively.
  • Instead of constantly searching for strategies, you had a toolkit of proven methods that engage students.
  • Your students were not only awake but actively participating in the target language.
  • Your classroom was filled with authentic language use by both you and your students.
  • You could handle difficult moments with grace and resilience, feeling grounded in your values.
  • Teaching went beyond just strategies; it became a holistic and empowering experience.



We can help get you there... 

this workshop will focus on pedagogy AND mindset!


📅 Event Details:

📍 Location: Raleigh, North Carolina

🗓️ Dates: November 11th-12th, 2023

🌆 Saturday Evening Event (Optional)

📚 Saturday's Agenda:

🕗 8:00 AM - 10:30 AM

🌟 Beyond the Classroom: Tools to Empower Your Mindset and Set Boundaries

In this eye-opening session, discover the incredible power of your mindset and how it can empower you both inside and outside the classroom. Learn to overcome common limiting beliefs that teachers often face and establish boundaries to lead authentically.

🕙 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

🌟 Second Language Acquisition and Pedagogy: What Is It and How Can We Incorporate It?

Through hands-on experience in an acquisition-driven instruction class, you'll uncover the key components that facilitate language acquisition. Be prepared to challenge your long-held beliefs around language learning, as we examine the comfort or discomfort of incorporating these principles into our teaching methods. By understanding and potentially reframing our core beliefs, we pave the way for a transformative experience. This session aims to equip you with the tools to enhance your language instruction and embrace innovative pedagogical approaches, bridging theory and practice for a more effective teaching journey.

🕛 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM

🍽️ Enjoy a Delicious Lunch (On Your Own- plenty of options within walking distance)

 🕐 12:45 PM - 1:55 PM

🔓 Unlocking potential: Mastering Strategies for Acquisition and Teacher Confidence (even with a textbook!)

In this session, you will be able to identify and harness the essential elements of effective content within an acquisition-focused framework, enhancing your confidence as teachers and facilitators of language acquisition. You’ll discover six dynamic and adaptable strategies designed to promote language acquisition across various units and proficiency levels while also learning how to tailor these techniques to suit their students' unique needs.

🕐  2:00 PM - 3:10 PM

🔥 Empowered Educators: Cultivating Confidence, Collaboration, and Mutual Respect in the Classroom

Let's do this! Discover practical strategies to enhance your teaching skills and classroom dynamics. We'll delve into the art of effective communication, confident presence, and fostering mutual respect among students, and you their teacher. Learn how to create strong routines, set clear expectations, and model what you want, to boost your confidence and efficacy as an educator.

🕐 3:15 PM - 4:00 PM

🌟 Let's Divide and Conquer: Troubleshooting the obstacles and roadblocks in your path!

  • Elementary and Middle School cohort with Annabelle
  • High School cohort with Claudia

In this unique session, teachers can choose their cohorts based on the level they teach, creating an environment where they can freely discuss the burning questions, roadblocks, and obstacles they've encountered or fear encountering when incorporating acquisition-driven instruction principles. This session is all about collaborative problem-solving and finding practical solutions to common challenges in language teaching. Walk away with a toolbox of strategies and a network of peers ready to conquer these obstacles together. 

🌅 Sunday's Agenda:

🕘 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

🤯 From Conflict to Calm: Effective Strategies for De-escalation in the Classroom

This session is a must. We all know that even when we have mastered all the tools and strategies, the true test lies in our ability to maintain a calm and effective classroom environment when faced with challenging student behaviors.  From preventing conflicts to de-escalation and resetting, this session is all about the skills, activities, and mindset needed to ensure your classroom remains a place of respect and growth.

🕘 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

🌟 Wrap-Up, Reflection, Application, and Accountability.  

Conclude the event with a powerful session that helps you reflect on what you've learned, apply it to your teaching practice, and establish accountability measures to ensure continued growth.

By the end of this mastermind you'll:

  • Gain Confidence: Feel more confident in your ability to facilitate language acquisition effectively and lead your students with purpose.

  • Experience Joy: Rediscover your passion for teaching, making your days in the classroom a joyful experience.

  • Master Empowerment: Develop a mindset that empowers you to overcome challenges and handle difficult moments with grace.

  • Transform Your Teaching: Transform your teaching approach with a toolkit of proven strategies in Second Language Acquisition theory.

  • Establish Boundaries: Set boundaries that not only benefit your students but also prioritize your own well-being and growth as an educator.


Secure your spot today and embark on a transformative educational experience with Claudia Elliott and Annabelle Williamson in Raleigh! 🎓🌎

Limited seats available! Reserve yours now!

I want a spot!


Heyyy! I'm La Maestra Loca!

Elementary Spanish teacher, Teacher Coach and Cheerleader, Mommy, Bonus Mommy, Wife, Travel nut, Tattoo Enthusiast, and cheap red wine connoisseur.

I’m a teacher JUST LIKE YOU, which makes my approach to coaching and teaching unique! 

The last few years have been INTENSE. The amount we've been asked to "take on" just keeps growing and the mental and emotional toll it takes is more than any of us like to think about.

I am SO eager for you to experience the transformation, that can come from a shift in mindset and pedagogy that we will be sharing in this mastermind!


Meet Claudia and Annabelle

We cannot wait to support you!


¡Hola! I'm Claudia!
High School Spanish Teacher, Mom of two, and a passionate advocate for language acquisition. 

Teaching wasn't my first career, and like many of you, I've faced self-doubt inside and outside the classroom. But one day, I decided to equip myself with knowledge and tools that would transform my impact on students.


I used to rely heavily on textbooks and grammar, only to realize that true language acquisition goes beyond those boundaries. Today, I'm a teacher coach, podcast enthusiast, and host dedicated to sharing my experiences with language educators worldwide.


That's why I cannot wait for you to join in on this mastermind experience, where we will help you to win inside and outside the class.

Reviews from a similar workshop in New York

This was honestly the BEST professional development I've ever been to! It has inspired me and I am excited to start reworking my curriculum – Jane

This was amazing! You're a wonderful presenter and breath of fresh air. I needed this.

- Ky

This was inspiring! I've been struggling with CI because I hate asking stories! I think I can drop that now because I know of better things to use instead!

- Tiffany

Best training I’ve ever attended.  I had so many misconceptions about acquisition driven instruction but now I feel inspired.



This was wonderful, incredibly engaging and perfectly structured. What a great training!



Empowered Mastermind: Elevating World Language Teaching through Mindset and Pedagogy!

📍 Location:   St. Timothy's School 4523 Six Forks Rd. Raleigh, North Carolina

🗓️ Date: November 11th-12th, 2023

Join this Mastermind and begin to regain your passion for teaching, build unwavering confidence, and equip yourself with a powerful toolkit of strategies and mindset tools. Discover the joy of authentic language acquisition, both inside and outside the classroom, and uncover the empowered, impactful educator you truly are!!


This in person workshop has a limited amount of seats available! 

Save your spot!

FAQ's and info on lodging!